Nurturing Hands
  • Joan Fisher
  • Dip Massage Therapy
  • Bowen Therapist
  • Telephone (02) 6241 6716
  • Mobile 0418 659 155


Where will my massage session take place?

Your massage will take place in a temperature controlled, comfortable, quiet room in our Northside home-clinic. Soft music may be played to help you relax as you lie on the massage table.

What should I expect during my first massage therapy visit?

When you arrive you will be asked to complete a confidential client information form. You will also be asked some general questions to establish what areas you would like your massage treatment to focus on, and/or if there are any conditions need to be addressed to determine if massage is appropriate.

What do I wear during the massage?

This depends on the type of massage treatment you are receiving. Usually you will just wear your underwear on the massage table and be covered with a towel at all times, except for the area being worked on. You will be given privacy to dress/undress before and after the massage.

What do I do during the massage session?

Your massage session provides you with an opportunity to relax and unwind, so make yourself comfortable. If your massage therapist wants to adjust your position they will let you know. Many people close their eyes and relax completely during a massage, while others prefer to talk. It’s up to you, however if you have any questions at all during the massage treatment, do not hesitate to ask.

How long will a massage treatment last?

The average massage treatment lasts approximately one hour

How will I feel after the massage?

Most people will feel very relaxed following a massage. After an initial period of feeling relaxed and ‘slowed-down’, what follows is usually a feeling of increased energy and productivity. Our clients often report that after a massage their sleep patterns improve and that there is also a marked reduction in pain and stiffness in the musculoskeletal system. Many experience a level of freedom from the aches and pains developed over time as a result of repetitive strain or activity. Your body will release toxins during a massage so it is recommended that you drink plenty of water after your massage.

Is a massage always appropriate?

There are many medical conditions where massage treatment would not be appropriate. It is important that you complete the confidential client information form prior to your massage to rule out any conditions which can be aggravated using massage. If you are under medical care, please ask your doctor for a written recommendation prior to the massage and bring this with you to your session.